Our facility has been
designed with the newest, state-of-the-art refrigeration components. Each
freezer room has redundant refrigeration units, and relies on additional source
of power supply to ensure the sustainability of operations. All compressors use
R404A and R407C, the currently efficient and environmentally friendly
refrigerants. Our Eliwell temperature control system ensures superior quality and
integrity for your products.
Warehouse Management System
Our WMS brings efficiency to warehousing by introducing
automated processes and tighter control structures. It optimizes your inventory
with accurate forecast and provides flexible automated support for processing
movement of goods and management of stock. Our WMS system also allows our
customers to access their inventory via our web portal. All of the above leads to
optimal management of product expiry.
Security And Integrity
Control access to food products is prohibited to
unauthorized persons. Loading and off-loading of roducts are monitored.